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Name des Wortschatzes Beschreibung
Sprache 1 Englisch
Sprache 2 Deutsch
Inhalt Adjektive und Redewendungen zur Beschreibung von Menschen, Verhalten und Stimmungen; außerdem Alternativen und Synonyme für die Wörter 'good', 'bad', 'like' und 'dislike'.
Kommentar Verwendung mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Jochen Lüders. Genauere Beschreibung der einzelnen Themen: // // * Characterization: Adjektive zur Charakterisierung von Menschen und ihrem Verhalten // * How Do You Feel Today?: englische Adjektiven und deutsche Bedeutungen zur Stimmung und 'Befindlichkeit' // * Good / Bad: Alternativen und Synonyme mit Angaben zu usage // * Like - Dislike: I can't stand people who adore chocolate ...
Fremdsprache / Sachgebiet Englisch
Sprache der Zielgruppe Deutsch
Quelle Jochen Lüders,
Software Mit dem Langenscheidt Vokabeltrainer ( können Sie diesen Wortschatz mit vielen verschiedenen Funktionen trainieren (z.B. Karteikartensystem, Prüfungsmodus, Multiple Choice, Kreuzworträtsel, Superlearning und Tutorium), in unterschiedlichen Formaten drucken (z.B. Vokabelkärtchen, Vokabellisten, Vokabeltests, Kreuzworträtsel) und exportieren (z.B. auf Ihr Handy).


Abschnitt 1

Englisch Deutsch Zusatz Kapitel
open-minded parents (1) aufgeschlossen (1) = open-minded; willing to consider and accept other people's ideas and opinions; # open-minded 1
a narrow-minded politician (1) engstirnig (1) = narrow-minded; unwilling to accept or understand new or different ideas, opinions, or customs; # narrow-minded 1
prejudiced views (~ against sb./sth.) (1) voreingenommen (1) = prejudiced; (disapproving) having an unreasonable dislike of people who belong to a different race, sex, or religion; # prejudiced 1
an enthusiastic crowd (1) begeistert (1) = enthusiastic; feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about something; # enthusiastic 1
a zealous preacher (1) fanatisch (1) = zealous; (disapproving) extremely enthusiastic about something such as a political or religious idea which you believe in very strongly; # zealous 1
a modest appearance (1) bescheiden (1) = modest; not wanting to talk about one’s abilities or achievements; # modest 1
a vain facial expression (1) eitel (1) = vain; (disapproving) too proud of one’s good looks, abilities or position; # vain 1
an arrogant attitude (1) arrogant,_überheblich (1) = arrogant; behaving in an unpleasant or rude way because you think you are more important than other people; # arrogant 1
a snobbish remark (1) snobistisch (1) = snobbish; behaving in a way that shows you think you are better than other people because you are from a higher social class; # snobbish 1
a boastful interview (1) angeberisch (1) = boastful; talking too proudly about yourself; # boastful 1
an outgoing partner (1) kontaktfreudig (1) = outgoing; liking to meet and talk to new people; # outgoing 1
an easy-going lifestyle (1) gelassen,_entspannt (1) = easy-going; not easily upset, annoyed, or worried; # easy-going 1
a (self-)confident reply (1) selbstbewusst (1) = (self-)confident; = confident; = self-confident; sure that you can do things well, that people like you etc; # confident 1
a dominant mother (1) dominant (1) = dominant; (disapproving) controlling or trying to control other people; # dominant 1
an extroverted woman (1) extrovertiert (1) = extroverted; having a confident character and enjoying the company of other people; # extroverted 1
an introverted young man (1) introvertiert (1) = introverted; quiet and shy, not enjoying being with other people; # introverted 1
a reserved young man (1) zurückhaltend (1) = reserved; unwilling to express your emotions or talk about your problems; # reserved 1
a shy smile (1) schüchtern (1) = shy; nervous and embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people, especially people you do not know; # shy 1
a timid reaction (1) ängstlich (1) = timid; not having courage or confidence; # timid 1
a self-conscious teenager (1) // (~ about sth.) befangen,_gehemmt (1) = self-conscious; worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you; # self-conscious 1

Abschnitt 2

Englisch Deutsch Zusatz Kapitel
a generous offer (1) großzügig (1) = generous; willing to give money, spend time etc, in order to help people or give them pleasure; # generous 1
a mean old man (1) geizig (1) = mean; not wanting to spend money, or not wanting to use much of something; # mean 1
a materialistic attitude (1) materialistisch (1) = materialistic; (disapproving) concerned only with money and possessions rather than things of the mind such as art, religion, or moral beliefs; # materialistic 1
petty jealousy (1) kleinlich (1) = petty; unkind and caring too much about small unimportant things; # petty 1
a fussy housekeeper (~ about sth.) (1) pingelig,_umständlich (1) = fussy; very concerned about small, usually unimportant details, and difficult to please; # fussy 1
a selfish/self-centered man (1) egoistisch (1) = selfish; = self-centered; (disapproving) caring only about yourself and not about other people; # selfish 1
a (highly) ambitious plan (1) (überaus) ehrgeizig (1) = ambitious; determined to be successful, rich, powerful etc; # ambitious 1
an competitive atmosphere (1) (überaus) leistungsorientiert (1) = competitive; determined or trying very hard to be more successful than other people; # competitive 1
a hard-working student (1) fleißig (1) = hard-working; working with a lot of effort; # hard-working 1
a demanding boss (1) anspruchsvoll (1) = demanding; expecting a lot of attention or expecting to have things exactly the way you want them; # demanding 1
an imaginative child (1) phantasievoll (1) = imaginative; very good at thinking of new and unusual ways of doing things; synonym: inventive; # imaginative 1
a sensitive child (~ to sth.) (1) empfindlich (1) = sensitive; getting upset too easily; # sensitive 1
an assertive woman (1) energisch (1) = assertive; behaving confidently so that they get what they want; syn. self-confident, self-assured; # assertive 1
a determined effort (1) entschlossen (1) = determined; having a strong desire to do something, so that you will not let anyone stop you; # determined 1
an indecisive leader (1) unentschlossen (1) = indecisive; unable to make clear decisions or choices; # indecisive 1
a forgetful professor (1) vergesslich (1) = forgetful; often forgetting things; # forgetful 1
a ruthless dictator (1) rücksichtslos (1) = ruthless; so determined to get what you want that you do not care if you have to hurt other people in order to do it; # ruthless 1
a vicious tone in his voice (1) bösartig (1) = vicious; very unkind in a way that is intended to hurt someone's feelings or make their character seem bad; # vicious 1
a malicious rumour (1) boshaft (1) = malicious; very unkind and cruel, and deliberately behaving in a way that is likely to upset or hurt someone; # malicious 1
a spiteful liar (1) gehässig (1) = spiteful; deliberately nasty to someone in order to hurt or upset them; # spiteful 1

Abschnitt 3

Englisch Deutsch Zusatz Kapitel
a courageous decision (1) mutig (1) = courageous; brave; # courageous 1
a cowardly attack on a defenseless man (1) feig (1) = cowardly; not at all brave; # cowardly 1
a well-mannered boy (1) wohlerzogen (1) = well-mannered; talking and behaving in a polite way; # well-mannered 1
a rude remark (1) unhöflich,_unverschämt (1) = rude; speaking or behaving in a way that is not polite and is likely to offend or annoy people; # rude 1
a considerate daughter (~ towards sb.) (1) rücksichtsvoll (1) = considerate; always thinking of what other people need or want and being careful not to upset them; # considerate 1
a gentle touch (1) sanft(mütig) (1) = gentle; kind and careful in the way you behave or do things, so that you do not hurt or damage anyone or anything; # gentle 1
an affectionate hug (1) liebevoll (1) = affectionate; showing in a gentle way that you love someone and care about them; # affectionate 1
a tender kiss (1) zärtlich (1) = tender; gentle and careful in a way that shows love; # tender 1
a passionate speech (1) leidenschaftlich (1) = passionate; believing something very strongly; # passionate 1
a smart kid (1) clever (1) = smart; (AE) intelligent; # smart 1
a naive belief (1) naiv (1) = naive; not having much experience of how complicated life is, so that you trust people too much; # naive 1
a down-to-earth guy (1) praktisch (1) = down-to-earth; practical and direct in a sensible honest way; # down-to-earth 1
a stubborn refusal (1) stur (1) = stubborn; determined not to change your mind, even when people think you are being unreasonable; # stubborn 1
a likable character (1) sympathisch (1) = likable; nice and easy to like; # likable 1
a tolerant community (~ of sb./sth.) (1) tolerant (1) = tolerant; allowing people to do, say, or believe what they want without criticizing or punishing them; opposite: intolerant; # tolerant 1
a reliable friend (1) zuverlässig (1) = reliable; someone or something that can be trusted or depended on; # reliable 1
a dedicated teacher (1) engagiert (1) = dedicated; working very hard because you care a lot about it; # dedicated 1
a trustworthy salesman (1) vertrauenswürdig (1) = trustworthy; someone who can be trusted and depended on; synonym: dependable; # trustworthy 1
a cautious driver (1) vorsichtig (1) = cautious; careful to avoid danger or risks; # cautious 1
a reckless disregard for human life (1) rücksichtslos (1) = reckless; not caring or worrying about the possible bad or dangerous results of your actions; # reckless 1

How Do You Feel Today?

Abschnitt 1

Englisch Deutsch Zusatz Kapitel
hysterical hysterisch 2
hot heiß,_schwitzen 2
aggressive aggressiv 2
optimistic optimistisch 2
envious neidisch 2
pained schmerzerfüllt 2
enraged wütend,_aufgebracht 2
bashful verschämt,_verlegen 2
lonely einsam 2
disappointed enttäuscht 2
suspicious misstrauisch,_argwöhnisch 2
negative ablehnend 2
agonized gequält 2
cold kalt,_frieren 2
anxious ängstlich,_besorgt 2
turned-on (sexuell) erregt 2
relieved erleichtert 2
idiotic idiotisch 2
prudish prüde 2
meditative nachdenklich,_sinnend 2

Abschnitt 2

Englisch Deutsch Zusatz Kapitel
shocked geschockt 2
disgusted angewidert 2
sympathetic mitfühlend 2
indifferent gleichgültig 2
surly mürrisch 2
lovestruck verliebt 2
sheepish ängstlich,_kleinlaut 2
disbelieving ungläubig 2
determined entschlossen 2
satisfied zufrieden 2
curious neugierig 2
obstinate starrsinnig,_stur 2
smug selbstgefällig,_süffisant 2
jealous eifersüchtig 2
blissful glückselig 2
undecided unentschlossen 2
surprised überrascht 2
frustrated frustriert 2
horrified entsetzt 2
frightened erschrocken 2

Abschnitt 3

Englisch Deutsch Zusatz Kapitel
eavesdropping lauschend,_horchend 2
miserable elend 2
cautious vorsichtig 2
regretful bedauernd 2
puzzled verwirrt 2
sad traurig 2
distasteful widerlich 2
apologetic sich rechtfertigend 2
happy glücklich 2
paranoid paranoid 2
hungover einen Kater haben 2
hurt verletzt 2
demure zurückhaltend,_spröde 2
confident selbstsicher,_zuversichtlich 2
exhausted erschöpft 2
exasperated entnervt,_verärgert 2
arrogant arrogant 2
thoughtful nachdenklich,_bedächtig 2
grieving bekümmert 2
mischievous boshaft,_bösartig 2

Abschnitt 4

Englisch Deutsch Zusatz Kapitel
interested interessiert 2
concentrating sich konzentrierend 2
guilty schuldbewusst 2
bored gelangweilt 2
withdrawn zurückgezogen 2
ecstatic ekstatisch 2
perplexed perplex,_verblüfft 2
loaded belastet 2
innocent unschuldig 2


Abschnitt 1

Englisch Deutsch Zusatz Kapitel
He had always been an excellent student. (1) hervorragend (1) = excellent; # excellent 3
He has a huge collection of fine prints. (1) prächtig (1) = fine; # fine 3
She is proud of her superior academic record. (1) überragend (1) = superior; # superior 3
This is a perfect example of Gothic architecture. (1) vollkommen (1) = perfect; # perfect 3
We spent a great afternoon at the beach. (1) großartig (1) = great; # great 3
We had a marvellous time together. (1) wunderbar (1) = marvellous; # marvellous 3
Their latest album is fantastic. (1) phantastisch (1) = fantastic; # fantastic 3
The special effects are simply terrific. (1) sagenhaft (1) = terrific; # terrific 3
The food was superb. (1) vorzüglich (1) = superb; # superb 3
You must read this amazing book. (1) erstaunlich (1) = amazing; # amazing 3
We enjoyed this incredible performance. (1) unglaublich (1) = incredible; # incredible 3
Her talent is really extraordinary. (1) außerordentlich (1) = extraordinary; # extraordinary 3
Her new book is just awesome. (1) (ugs.) "stark" (1) = awesome; # awesome 3
He surprised us with his brilliant idea. (1) hervorragend (1) = brilliant; # brilliant 3
He made us an attractive offer. (1) attraktiv (1) = attractive; # attractive 3
That was an outstanding achievement. (1) herausragend (1) = outstanding; # outstanding 3
The results of your work are impressive. (1) beeindruckend (1) = impressive; # impressive 3
She wrote an exceptional essay. (1) außergewöhnlich (1) = exceptional; # exceptional 3
I like the admirable simplicity of her work. (1) bewundernswert (1) = admirable; # admirable 3
2001 is a classic science fiction movie. (1) klassisch (1) = classic; # classic 3

Abschnitt 2

Englisch Deutsch Zusatz Kapitel
The Mona Lisa is a masterpiece. (1) Meisterwerk (1) = masterpiece; # masterpiece 3
That’s still a first-class car. (1) erstklassig (1) = first-class; # first-class 3
He gave a thought-provoking lecture. (1) zum Nachdenken anregend (1) = thought-provoking; # thought-provoking 3
Have you read this stimulating article? (1) anregend (1) = stimulating; # stimulating 3
This sounds absolutely fascinating. (1) faszinierend (1) = fascinating; # fascinating 3
That’s a strong story with intriguing characters. (1) faszinierend (1) = intriguing; # intriguing 3
Collecting stamps can be an absorbing hobby. (1) fesselnd (1) = absorbing; # absorbing 3
The novel has an unusual ending. (1) ungewöhnlich (1) = unusual; # unusual 3
I saw a gripping report on TV. (1) packend (1) = gripping; # gripping 3
Don’t miss this compelling film. (1) unwiderstehlich (1) = compelling; # compelling 3
I love Grisham’s thrilling books. (1) spannend (1) = thrilling; # thrilling 3
I think this topic is of interest. (1) interessant (1) = is of interest; # is of interest 3


Abschnitt 1

Englisch Deutsch Zusatz Kapitel
I can’t stand his banal stories. (1) banal (1) = banal; # banal 4
He was kept in appalling conditions in prison. (1) entsetzlich (1) = appalling; # appalling 4
Don’t believe a word from such a dishonest politician. (1) unehrlich (1) = dishonest; # dishonest 4
There is a sinister side to these events. (1) unheimlich,_finster (1) = sinister; # sinister 4
Tom is a mediocre student. (1) mittelmäßig (1) = mediocre; # mediocre 4
The wine wasn’t up to much. (1) nichts Besonderes (1) = wasn't up to much; = isn't up to much; # wasn't up to much 4
They got help from corrupt policement. (1) korrupt (1) = corrupt; # corrupt 4
Chewing tobacco is a disgusting habit. (1) ekelhaft (1) = disgusting; # disgusting 4
She complained about his immoral behaviour. (1) unmoralisch (1) = immoral; # immoral 4
Forget it,_this film sucks. (AE,_infml.) (1) ätzend (1) = suck; = sucks; # suck 4
There’s nothing but crap on television these days. (1) Schrott (1) = crap; # crap 4
That was an awful concert. (1) fürchterlich (1) = awful; # awful 4
He had a terrible accident. (1) furchtbar (1) = terrible; # terrible 4
It is a dreadful film. (1) entsetzlich (1) = dreadful; # dreadful 4
He committed a horrible crime. (1) entsetzlich (1) = horrible; # horrible 4
That’s a load of garbage (AE). (1) Dreck (1) = garbage; # garbage 4
He gave a pathetic excuse. (1) erbärmlich,_jämmerlich (1) = pathetic; # pathetic 4
Don’t buy such inferior products. (1) minderwertig (1) = inferior; # inferior 4
The movie isn't any good_/_is no good. (1) taugt nichts (1) = is no good; = isn't any good; # is no good 4
She led a humdrum life. (1) stumpfsinnig (1) = humdrum; # humdrum 4

Abschnitt 2

Englisch Deutsch Zusatz Kapitel
What lousy weather! (1) saumäßig (1) = lousy; # lousy 4
Her singing was atrocious. (1) grauenhaft (1) = atrocious; # atrocious 4
I can’t accept your shameful behaviour. (1) schändlich (1) = shameful; # shameful 4
Hitler was an evil dictator. (1) (moralisch) böse (1) = evil; # evil 4
They killed the wicked witch. (1) niederträchtig,_heimtückisch (1) = wicked; # wicked 4
I almost fell asleep during this tedious movie. (1) öde (1) = tedious; # tedious 4
Life in prison was an absolute nightmare. (1) Alptraum (1) = nightmare; # nightmare 4
Your suggestion is absolute rubbish (BE). (1) Mist (1) = rubbish; # rubbish 4
He looked really repulsive. (1) abstoßend (1) = repulsive; # repulsive 4
Sally is a naughty little girl. (1) unartig,_ungezogen (1) = naughty; # naughty 4
He blames himself for this poor performance. (1) schlecht (1) = poor; # poor 4
They only sell shoddy goods. (1) schludrig,_schlampig (1) = shoddy; # shoddy 4
They protested against this outrageous tax increase. (1) empörend,_unerhört (1) = outrageous; # outrageous 4
He suffers from his repetitive work. (1) sich dauernd wiederholend (1) = repetitive; # repetitive 4

Like - Dislike

Abschnitt 1

Englisch Deutsch Zusatz Kapitel
She has always been fond of animals. (1) gern haben (1) = fond of; # fond of 5
I know he's keen on opera music. (1) sich für etwas begeistern (1) = keen on; # keen on 5
This delightful book will appeal to your children. (1) jmd. gefallen (1) = appeal to; # appeal to 5
My sister and I used to argue a lot,_but now we're very close. (1) (eng) verbunden (1) = close; # close 5
I'm very lucky to have friends who care about me. (1) jmd. sehr mögen (1) = care about; # care about 5
I adore chocolate,_I can't live without it. (1) über alles lieben (1) = adore; # adore 5
Tom is crazy/mad about motorcycles. (1) verrückt sein nach (1) = crazy about; = mad about; # crazy about 5
My father is attached to his old car. (1) an etwas hängen (1) = attached to; # attached to 5
Sarah has a passion for classical music. (1) eine Leidenschaft für (1) = passion for; # passion for 5
My sister has a weakness for cream cakes. (1) eine Schwäche für (1) = weakness for; # weakness for 5
Recently he has taken to red wine. (1) Geschmack an etwas finden (1) = taken to; # taken to 5
After some time I've come to like Guinness. (1) etwas allmählich mögen (1) = come to like; # come to like 5
She's a genuine fitness freak. (1) Fanatiker/in (1) = freak; # freak 5
Tom is a golf enthusiast. (1) Liebhaber (1) = enthusiast; # enthusiast 5
You don't think much of Carol,_do you? (spoken) (1) nicht viel halten von (1) = don't think much of; # don't think much of 5
Rob isn't her type at all. (1) nicht jmds Typ sein (1) = isn't her type; # isn't her type 5
If there's one thing I can't stand,_it's hypocrisy (Heuchelei). (1) nicht ausstehen können (1) = can't stand; # can't stand 5
I hated my first husband. He used to hit me and the children. (1) hassen (1) = hate; # hate 5
I could see the jealousy and deep hatred in Jeff's eyes. (1) tiefer Hass (1) = deep hatred; # deep hatred 5
I detest any form of cruelty toward animals. (1) verabscheuen (1) = detest; # detest 5

Abschnitt 2

Englisch Deutsch Zusatz Kapitel
I felt that the other kids despised me. (1) verachten (1) = despise; # despise 5
He never tried to hide his contempt for her. (1) Verachtung für (1) = contempt for; # contempt for 5
I felt nothing but loathing for him after the way he'd treated me. (1) Abscheu gegenüber (1) = loathing for; # loathing for 5
Animosity between parents causes great suffering to their children. (1) Feindseligkeit (1) = Animosity; # Animosity 5
He bore a grudge against my father for years. (1) jmd. etwas nachtragen (1) = bear a grudge against; = bore a grudge against; # bear a grudge against 5


Verweis Kapitel
1 Characterization
2 How Do You Feel Today?
3 Good
4 Bad
5 Like - Dislike
Meine Werkzeuge
